Adventures with RedHat Linux 5.1

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KDE installation

I have installed RedHat 5.1 on most of my machines now. Overall, the ease of installation is impressive. It even detected my Matrox Millenium II/AGP without a hitch!

Some minor problems do exist though (apart from the errors in the installation program, resulting in a mix of english and french messages). After installing RedHat 5.1 (kernel 2.0.34) I downloaded Source RPMS for Qt and KDE.

For some reason, the gcc compiler included with RedHat 5.1 has been compiled without C++ support. The installation manual correctly states that g++ should be used instead of gcc, so Makefiles should be changed accordingly.

This caused me some problems with the installation of Qt: the Makefiles are rewritten by the make linux-gcc-shared target. As I was using the 'official' rpm method (rpm -ivh package, rpm -bb), my changes to the Makefile were overwritten each and every time (the BUILD directory is apparently regenerated).

The only solution I could think of at that time, was to modify the %build% section in the /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/qt-1.33.spec file (around line 27). This way, I could copy a modified Makefile (also stored in the SPECS directory) over the installed version before make linux-gcc-shared is invoked.

After this brief struggle with the Qt source RPM, I proceeded with the KDE packages. They use GNU AutoConf, and seem to detect g++ automatically.

top$Id: redhat51.m4,v 1.2 1999/04/26 12:23:18 ed Exp $

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