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[picture of the GPS-12XL]Here are my experiences with the Garmin GPS-12XL Global Positioning Satellite receiver.

I bought it at SafeTrac GPS just a couple of days before I went on holidays to Italy.

Why? It's a cool toy, and I'm notorious for being "directionally challenged". Maybe this gadget is going to change my life for the better ;)

I use the receiver in my car, with a swivel-mount on the dash. No external antenna, just a data/car power cable. I must say that I didn't really miss the external antenna, but that may depend on the country you are travelling in.

Garmin have some great other products... Check out the successor of the GPS-12XL: the colorful GPS-12CX!

For now, please enjoy the links!

New: Roy Smeets sells Garmin cables in The Netherlands.

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