Homepage for Ed Voncken

CD-R GPS ISDN Linux Scan SCM Spam UUCP Links


Well, here it is. My très cool homepage. NOT ;) I've tried to keep the navigation and layout as simple as possible; no frames and none of that fancy ActiveWhatever here.

Why? I happen to prefer speed over browser-specific layout. This means, that you should be able to navigate these pages using Any Browser you like...

Also, you should take into consideration that there are a lot of people on the 'Web that cannot access your pages with a mouse-driven graphical browser. That's why I check my pages using Bobby, an HTML validator that specifically checks for accessibility problems.

Check out the buttonbar at the top of this page for the different topics on this site. Where possible, I've used a navigation bar.

Note: the "Links" section is still being restructured. Beware of broken links...

What will you find here?

Apart from the topics as listed on the buttonbar, you can also find stuff about:


Security and privacy

UNIX/LinuxWindows NT

News sites

NewsNew SoftwareHardware

Looking for the cheapest deal on books?

After some discussions on SlashDot, Steve Wells has put up a simple Price Check form that queries a number of bookstores and gets you the lowest prices. Use is simple: type the ISBN number (no dashes) and press enter to submit. You will be redirected to Steve's site, where the results are displayed.
Of course, I also have some recommended books with their BookSearch prices.

Donate your CPU-cycles

If, like me, you have one or more machines running 24x7, you have a lot of CPU-cycles to spare. My file- and mailserver for instance rarely have a load of more than 25%. The remaining time could be spent on more or less useful things, by running one of these clients:

Fighting Spam and Junk email

Spamming and other forms of abuse, notably junk email are a major issue on the 'Net.

If you post on Usenet, you've almost certainly become a victim of junk email. The reason is, that your email address is included in each message that you post on Usenet. Certain individuals filter out these addresses, and use them for junkmailing purposes.

At a certain point, I received so many unsolicited mass-emailings each week, that I had to implement counter-measures. These include a fake From: address, and procmail scripts to filter out unwanted incoming email.

Fight net-abuse now! Join CAUCE!. The Hall Of Shame contains a list of domains that are currently on my blacklist.

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Caught in a frame? Go to http://www.iaehv.nl/users/evoncken/index.html
Questions? Remarks? Contact Ed Voncken evoncken@iaehv.nl